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BLAST- Jesus Coming to Us
Introduction to BLAST
Course Information (0:40)
Why BLAST? (2:25)
Information for teachers (3:41)
God's BLAST- The Bible
Introduction to the Bible (3:14)
The Bible- God's word: Lesson 1 (3:04)
The Prodigal Son (8:48)
Law and Gospel: Lesson 2 (6:31)
Jesus Baptism (4:40)
One God: Lesson 3 (5:25)
God's BLAST- The Lord's Prayer
Introduction Of the Lord's Prayer
First Part (Petition) (3:45)
Second Part (Petition) (2:08)
Third Part (Petition) (4:03)
Fourth Part (Petition) (2:37)
Fifth Part (Petition) (4:39)
Sixth Part (Petition) (3:56)
Seventh Part (Petition)
Close of the Lord's Prayer (2:52)
God's BLAST - Apostle's Creed
Introduction - Apostles' Creed (3:45)
God is our Father- 1st Article- Lesson 1 (10:11)
God became Man- 2nd Article- Lesson 2 (5:51)
Jesus Died for Me- 2nd Article - Lesson 3 (12:14)
God the Holy Spirit- 3rd Article- Lesson 4 (15:56)
God's BLAST- Sacraments
Introduction- Sacraments (13:32)
Baptism- Lesson 1 (4:33)
Lord's Supper- Blessings and Benefits Lesson 2 (6:25)
Confession and Absolution Lesson 3 (5:36)
The Church- God's People Lesson 4 (6:46)
God's BLAST- Ten Commandments
Introduction- Ten Commandments (5:47)
Commandments 1, 2, and 3- Lesson 1 (14:32)
Commandments 4-8- Lesson 2 (20:20)
Commandments 9-10- Lesson 3 (3:47)
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Sixth Part (Petition)
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